I use notmuch! Is is perfect!

If you are using Debian, apt-get install notmuch do the trick!



2013/5/7 Will Fiveash <will.five...@oracle.com>:
> On Tue, May 07, 2013 at 07:47:52AM -0700, Gary Johnson wrote:
>> On 2013-05-07, Chris Green wrote:
>> > On Wed, May 08, 2013 at 12:21:58AM +1000, Erik Christiansen wrote:
>> > > On 07.05.13 14:53, Chris Green wrote:
>> > > > What other search programs work well with mutt?
>> > >
>> > > Mutt's own body search does the job for me within a mail folder, and
>> > > egrep provides full Extended Regular Expressions when searching some set
>> > > of my 1106 mail folders. Over more than a decade of mutt use, they've
>> > > always allowed me to find stuff quickly, even when I've no idea where an
>> > > email ended up. (So I've never had any need to look for anything else.)
>> > >
>> > > Neither suffers from the single word restriction, described.
>> > >
>> > Yes, one of the reasons I use mbox rather than maildir is the easier
>> > searching, I guess I can make myself a grep script.
>>     http://grepmail.sourceforge.net/
>>     http://www.barsnick.net/sw/grepm.html
> Yes, I was just thinking about grepmail which I use all the time with my
> mbox mail archives.  It provides perl type regex functionality along
> with mbox (and Maildir, I believe) parsing ability which taken together
> provides very powerful search capability.  What I've been using for a
> long time is a script I wrote that first runs grepmail with the search
> expression I provide on the specified mboxs and saves the output to a
> mbox file. Then the script runs mutt on that output file which gives me
> further searching capability.  Highly recommended.
> --
> Will Fiveash

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