On Wed, Jan 08, 2014 at 02:59:37PM +0000, Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2014-01-08, Richard Z <r...@linux-m68k.org> wrote:
> > On Mon, Jan 06, 2014 at 04:48:18PM +0000, Grant Edwards wrote:

> > not really. msmtp and esmtp have queueing.
> Can you provide references for that statement?
> >From http://esmtp.sourceforge.net/features.html:
>    These are the esmtp features:
>    [...]
>      * does not receive mail, expand aliases or manage a queue.


- search "esmtp-wrapper". In Fedora this is readilly installed to act as 
a zero-config sendmail replacement.

msmtp has the "msmtpq" scripts in the scripts direcotry, not sure if any
distribution installs them by default so it may need a bit of work to

> >> Do all outbound messages get sent to a single relay host for routing? 
> >> If no, then you need a "real" MTA.
> >
> > more precisely if you need direct delivery as opposed to using one or
> > several smarthosts.
> Direct delivery has become increasingly difficult in the past 10-15
> years due to anit-spam efforts.  It's gotten to the point where you
> need a static IP address, domain, and a fully configured DNS setup (MX
> records, reverse lookup matching the host name reported by your MTA to
> the SMTP server, etc.) Even then it often won't work if your static IP
> is considered "residential" rather than "commercial" or if you're
> unlucky enough to end up in the same block of IP addresses with some
> poor schmuck who got owned and used by spammers recently.

fully agree. I would personaly love to do direct delivery because it is
in my opinion the safest method but for most people this option is plain
total unrealistic.

> > On the other hand, each of bultin mutt, mstmp and esmtp provide
> > support for several smarthosts much easier than real MTAs.
> Good point.  I have several different .muttrc files (one for each of
> several "identities"), and they use use msmtp to send outbound mail
> via different relay hosts.  I never did figure out how to easily do
> that with qmail/postfix/exim.

I agree, had it working with exim and postfix but was not worth the 

> > queueing scripts have been added that should work good enough for single
> > users trying to send their mail
> I'm not sure what you mean by that.  Are you stating that mutt
> supports queing of outbound mail?  Are you talking about some
> intermediate layer that sits between mutt and msmtp/esmtp?

I was talking about esmtp and msmtp which support it as an addon.
Similar approach - a queueing script could be also written for mutt,
not a bad idea. I might come back to this because the locking in
both esmtp-wrapper and mstmpq look a bit less than rocksolid.

Possibly, since mutt supports postponed messages and everything else 
needed it would not be hard to implement outgoing messages queueing 
in mutt - but would require some thinking how to make it well 


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