On Wed, Apr 09, 2014 at 11:31:52AM -0400, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> > Let's be fair... The manual changes from version to version
> > (especially major versions), and the link that Ulrich provided above
> > IS a perfectly valid link to the Mutt manual.  It's just not the one
> > that's relevant to the version of Mutt that most of us are actually
> > using.  It's not such a hard mistake to make.
> But *you* would make an effort to determine *why* the expected text was
> not displayed.  And a simple google search will provide that as probably
> would a search of the mutt package present on your computer for
> documentation.

Well, yes, *I* would... but my experience with computers in general,
and with Mutt in particular, is vastly more than that of most of the
rest of the 8 billion or so people on this Earth. =8^) I know Ulrich
as well as I know most people who post here: not at all.  So I would
not presume that, having found something that purports to be the
manual, in the section which was named, it would occur to him that he
should look further, rather than ask why what he found was not what
someone who posted on the list said he should have found.

> We have so many avenues available for information and problem solutions
> that it is overwhelming, but *many* prefer asking a question rather than
> looking for the answer first.  {C,W}ould you call it "lazy curiosity"?

I've said it many times, but I think that's perfectly reasonable,
especially with something that has such a steep learning curve, as
Mutt does.  Asking a question about your specific problem is by far
the fastest way to get the answer, if you can find a group of people
who have the knowledge and a willingness to help.  If you don't want
to answer, you are not required to.  Just delete the thread.  Others
are more than happy to help (though, some of us will make fun of you
if we give you the answer and you fail to grok it, which I think is
also largely OK, provided it's not malicious).
> Linux home users for the most part and expected to also administer their
> systems and that knowledge helps them to use that system.  

Absolutely; but aren't necessarily expected to be GOOD AT IT.  =8^)

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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