* On 10 May 2015, Ian Zimmerman wrote: 
> I'm just getting started using mutt as my main user agent.  It has long
> been my MUA of last resort but the others suck more and more :(

Good for us!

> 1. The prefix in the index indicating an address is a destination rather
> than a source seems to be hardcoded to To, Cc or Bcc depending on the
> header where it occurs.  But these take up precious screen space.  I'd
> like them to be configurable, so I can change them to some Unicode arrow
> characters or even to the empty string.

Not currently possible and I don't recall such a patch.  You can patch
this yourself, for your particular preferemce, of course.  I would
consider a more general approach, but the everlasting concern is that
we have so, so many configuration values already; do we want to add one
that is not widely wanted?  Probably worth some design discussion on
mutt-...@mutt.org.  (One idea to throw out there: a single config value
which is by default "To Cc Bcc"; each token is a prefix mapped to a

> 2. Mailman managed lists (and maybe others) insert the annoying [Foo-List]
> tags in the Subject header.  Other MUAs allow one to massage the Subject
> header (for display only) so as to hide the tag, and (again) save screen
> space.  Is this possible with mutt?  Should it be?

First apply this patch:

Then apply this patch:

These probably should go upstream.  I'll have to stop putting it off.

> -- 
> Please *no* private copies of mailing list or newsgroup messages.

When using mutt, please observe
http://www.mutt.org/doc/manual/manual-4.html#ss4.8 to help us with
meeting your request.  Nobody knows whether you're subscribed but you. :)

David Champion • d...@bikeshed.us

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