To this end I always run several instances of mutt simultaneously
under tmux. One with inbox, others with inbox-read-only,  mbox, and

On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 08:17:43AM +1000, Cameron Simpson wrote:
> On 16Aug2016 19:58, Jethro Tull <> wrote:
> > I'm using vim as editor in mutt. I would like to find a way to dump the
> > content of another email or part to a new message while being composed.
> > Of course without running a new instance of mutt.
> Why not by running a new instance of mutt?
> Without that, you need some kind of tool that _vim_ can invoke to access
> message content. How are you intending to designate that message from inside
> vim?
> Note that you can reply to more that one message from mutt itself, before
> you start composing: tag multiple messages, then <tag-prefix><reply> (or
> <group-reply> or whatever). You'll get all their text quoting in the reply
> template.
> Cheers,
> Cameron Simpson <>


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