Hello list,

    I have `crypt_replyencrypt` and `crypt_autoencrypt` for some contacts.
It works fine, but sometimes I want to send a cleartext email.
Again, most of the times I remember to "clear PGP", but other times
this happens:

    1. I start a message to contact xyz
    2. I type in the words and close the editor
    3. I miss the `Security: Encrypt (PGP/MIME)`
    4. I press 'y' to send the message
    5. Now it seems I am stuck in the select key menu, and I have
       no idea how to exit it without sending the email

Is there a way to exit such menu or alternatively a way to colour
`Security: Encrypt (PGP/MIME)` red or something? Any other suggestion
is welcome!


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