On 28.03.19 13:24, Max Görner wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a very pleased Mutt user for several years now. However, I would love to
> have a threading similar to GMail, showing send and received messages in the
> same thread.
> I wonder whether one could just configure mutt such as to save all send
> messages to Inbox again. Of course, that would clutter the inbox severely, but
>  a) I have a hook limiting the view to ~(~N|~F) already
>  b) the cluttering might be counteracted by Mutt's threading capabilities.

Display filtering of one enormous clutter had never occurred to me as a
viable option. There are various incoming mail filtering tools in any
linux distro repository - the one I've used for decades is procmail.
I've set it to stream incoming mail to a separate inbox for each mailing
list, one for family, and the rest remain in /var/spool/mail/erik.

On list mailboxes, record is just set to "sent", as the list server
provides a copy of my mail for threading. A couple of hooks, folder and
recipient, record to =family when required. So, yes, posts & replies
thread nicely.

To further reduce clutter, and highly optimise searches, I delete 95 -
99% of all list mail, and archive any pearls in topic-specific secondary
mailboxes; there are 70 for mutt, 456 for LinuxCNC, and 1259 mailboxes
in all. (When looking for a hint on vim scripting a few minutes ago, for
a reply on another list, I only had to consider the subject lines of 205
posts in the mailbox vim_script, rather than who knows how many in the
104 vim mailboxes, let alone the umpty thousands if there were only one
inbox. (I'm still amazed at the thought.)

Mutt's mailbox name completion is one aid to navigation to one of 456
mailboxes - type a couple of charcters, tab twice, and page/scroll down the
list then presented. I also have:

$ which mls
mls is a function
mls () 
    ls -xF ~/mail/*$1*

which gives me a shortlist from the 1259, given a few topic-related


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