* "Kevin J. McCarthy" <ke...@8t8.us> [2019-06-04 09:44 -0700]:
> On Tue, Jun 04, 2019 at 12:30:59PM +0200, Nicolas Rachinsky wrote:
> > Does anybody know the reason of this change?
> The most recent discussion on mutt-dev was
> <https://marc.info/?l=mutt-dev&m=146942930418541&w=2>.  The issue is
> contentious, and there are arguments on both sides.

Thank you for the reference.

> In this case, the comments by active developers seemed to be in consensus
> that prompting if Fcc fails afterwards is a reasonable compromise.

Ok, so I will replace $sendmail by something that saves the mail
first, since not having a local copy of a sent mail (for an easily
avoidable reason) is just not acceptable here. :(

have a nice day

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