On Mon 28 Oct 2019 20:28,
Ben Boeckel <maths...@gmail.com> put forth the proposition:
> On Tue, Oct 29, 2019 at 00:10:09 +0000, Dave Woodfall wrote:
> > Urlview handles long and short links just fine.  I've been using it
> > for over 10 years.
> One issue I have with it is that context is lost. Marketing emails today
> tend to be massive strings with embedded IDs in them. Telling one from
> another in urlview means I'm bouncing back and forth between it and the
> message (or having 2 mutt instances to coordinate).

I deal with very long links, or long lists of links where the context
is lost, by opening the message in elinks, and then using elinks'
option to pass a link or current URL to an external application or
command, if elinks can't deal with it itself.  That way it's possible
to copy the URL into /tmp/screen-exhange, then do something in


Government spending?  I don't know what it's all about.  I don't know any
more about this thing than an economist does, and, God knows, he doesn't
know much.
        -- The Best of Will Rogers

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