Regarding the following, written by “Dave Woodfall” on 2019-10-30 at 10:05 Uhr +0000:
I don’t think this is about right and wrong, and not only because there is no objectivity. multipart/alternative is an accepted standard, and so is HTML. You might not like how things have developed, and neither do I, but that doesn’t make it wrong. The fact that the vast majority have adopted HTML for emails means you cannot really ignore it anymore. Mutt already handles receiving/reading alternative parts quite well. Being able to produce those parts will mean it’ll suck less for those who need or want this functionality. --
@martinkrafft | "to me, vi is zen. to use vi is to practice zen. every command is a koan. profound to the user, unintelligible to the uninitiated. you discover truth everytime you use it." -- reddy ät spamtraps: |
- Re: Creating HTML emails with mutt Derek Martin
- Re: Creating HTML emails with mutt Mark H. Wood
- Re: Creating HTML emails with mutt Patrick Shanahan
- Re: Creating HTML emails with mutt Sean Greenslade
- Re: Creating HTML emails with mutt Patrick Shanahan
- Re: Creating HTML emails with mutt Patrick Shanahan
- Re: Creating HTML emails with mutt Sean Greenslade
- Re: Creating HTML emails with mutt John Long
- Re: Creating HTML emails with mutt Grant Edwards
- Re: Creating HTML emails with mutt Dave Woodfall
- Re: Creating HTML emails with mutt martin f krafft
- Re: Creating HTML emails with mutt John Long
- Re: Creating HTML emails with mutt Derek Martin
- Re: Creating HTML emails with mutt John Long
- Re: Creating HTML emails with mutt martin f krafft
- Re: Creating HTML emails with mutt John Long
- Re: Creating HTML emails with mutt 雨宫恋叶
- Re: Creating HTML emails with mutt Derek Martin
- Rendering HTML as Markdown in mutt (was: Creating HTML em... martin f krafft
- Re: Rendering HTML as Markdown in mutt (was: Creating HTM... Akkana Peck
- Formatting HTML content for colour-terminals (was: Render... martin f krafft