> text/html;  mutt_bgrun /usr/bin/firefox %s >/dev/null 2>&1; needsterminal
> text/html; elinks -dump ; copiousoutput

This is almost what I am doing.  However, it works for text/html but
not for docx file, apparently.  For text/html, I have:

text/html; open -a safari -n -W %s; nametemplate=%s.html
text/html; w3m -dump -T %t %s; copiousoutput

in .mailcap and it goes beautifully: when I press Enter in the list of
attachments, w3m is used, and when I press m, safari is used.  (As a
related question, why do I obtain this behavior by the above two
lines?  What happens when I press Enter and what happens when I press
m?  I don't quite understand the fine details of mailcap.)

For docx file, I think I have exactly the same thing:

application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document;open -a 
preview -n -W %s; nametemplate=%s.docx
 -stdout -cat txt %s; copiousoutput

but the file is always opened using preview, no matter I press Enter
or m.  Why?  How can I configure so that when I press Enter, textutil
is used but when I enter m, preview is used?

# I am using Mutt 1.13.3 (2020-01-12) from homebrew on MacOS 10.12.6.


Kenichi Asai

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