* boB Stepp <robertvst...@gmail.com> [2021-02-08 15:44 -0500]:


I have setup a crontab job (My first ever!) to run mbsync every five
minutes. Mutt checks the local mail much more frequently. Probably
should make this a similar time interval to the crontab interval. I
was concerned that if there were to be a network interruption or when
my router reboots at 3 AM that mbsync would hang, but after one day
of this it did not. I do have a question about this though.

The original crontab command to run was:

killall mbsync &>/dev/null; /usr/bin/mbsync -a -qq


mbsync -a -qq

and everything has been working.


I recently revamped my mbsync crontab jobs, and now have three
separate jobs (fast, medium, and slow). I used an article about
converting from offlineimap to mbsync [1] as inspiration.

[1]: https://people.kernel.org/mcgrof/replacing-offlineimap-with-mbsync

For your information, my crontab looks like the following:

* * * * * flock -nx ~/.mbsync-lock-fast mbsync google-fast-cycle
*/5 * * * * flock -nx ~/.mbsync-lock-medium mbsync google-medium-cycle
*/15 * * * * flock -nx ~/.mbsync-lock-slow mbsync google-slow-cycle

I hope that helps!


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