On 12Sep2021 15:17, Globe Trotter via Mutt-users <mutt-users@mutt.org> wrote:
>So, I do not know if I can do this, but I can send email by 
>specifically including the smtp with port 25. I dont really need it for 
>anything else. It is quite likely that I am not understanding the 
>import of your question.
>All I do is:
>sudo  ssh -L 25:mailhub:25 username@your_server
>And then, configuring 'localhost' as my smtp server on port 25 gets my 
>mail sent directly forward through the SSH link.

Ok, so you're running the ssh connection as root. That's usually a bad 
idea. The only reason you need to do that that I can see above is to 
bind to port 25 at the local end. I would recommend running  your tunnel 
like this:

    ssh -L 1025:mailhub:25 username@your_server

and configuring your mutt smtp_url to use port 1025 instead of 25.  
Others have made this same suggestion.

IMO, it is also worth configuring your local postfix install, provided 
postfix is active locally. Particularly if this is your normal machine 
which you usually use - having a working local mail system is a good 
thing - lots of things send email, such as cron and at - they will all 
just start working if you set this up.

This means that you can compose and "send" (well, queue) email locally 
when offline or when the ssh tunnel is not up. It will go out next time 
the tunnel's up.  Then you just turn off the smtp_url setting and use 
the local sendmail command for delivery. That's what I do.

Most of postfix's configuration is in the file /etc/postfix/main.cf

In particular you want (taken from my own main.cf file here):

    relayhost =
    mydomain = cskk.id.au
    myorigin = cskk.id.au
    mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost
    inet_interfaces = localhost
    mynetworks_style = host

Obviously change:
- cskk.id.au to your own domain - you want the local email system to 
  send legitmate headers.
- relayhost to be your ssh tunnel: localhost:1025

Relayhost is the upstream smarthost which accepts your email. It is the 
equivalent of the smtp_url in the mutt config, but having postfix do 
that bit. It can of course be an ISP etc; for example one of the (many) 
commented out ones I've got here is:

    ##relayhost = mail.optusnet.com.au

which was there to deliver directly to a former ISP. My is 
part of my local setup: I've got haproxy running there, to deliver to 
whatever upstream ISP is available - in my case the home server or an 
ssh tunnel to our cloud VM, both of which have their own postfix setups.

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>

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