On Monday, November 29, 2021 at 12:03:31 +0000, Chris Green wrote:

I'm looking for a way to find (and display) an E-Mail when I know the
exact value of the Date: header.

notmuch appears to match specific date/times:

       date:<since>..<until> or date:<date>

       notmuch understands a variety of standard and
       natural ways of expressing dates and times, both in
       absolute terms ("2012-10-24") and in relative terms
       ("yesterday"). Any number of relative terms can be
       combined ("1 hour 25 minutes") and an absolute date/time
       can be combined with relative terms to further adjust it.

   The range expression
       If specifying a time range using timestamps in
       conjunction with the date prefix, each timestamp must be
       preceded by @ (ASCII hex 40). As above, each timestamp
       is a number representing the number of seconds since
       1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC. For example:

   Single expression
       date:<expr> works as a shorthand for date:<expr>..<expr>.
       For example, date:monday matches from the beginning of
       Monday until the end of Monday.


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