
Will Yardley (2022/08/04 16:44 -0700):
> Yeah, if you can use an application password, and if your org has IMAP
> enabled, this is the easiest approach and the path of least
> resistence.

That indeed corresponds to my experience.

> There's also the external Python script used for oauth2, if it hasn't
> been mentioned elsewhere in the thread
> https://gitlab.com/muttmua/mutt/-/blob/master/contrib/mutt_oauth2.py
> https://gitlab.com/muttmua/mutt/-/blob/master/contrib/mutt_oauth2.py.README
> IIRC, it will / can work w/ Gmail

I was aware of it but it has not been mentionned. Thanks.

I came accross another similar project:


I think both projects work the same way and the difficulty I encountered
while trying to use both of them was the creation of the appropriate
"project". I was able to create one but then when I tried to use it I
was told that it was not following Google's rules but with no more
precision (was it the logo which was missing? Should I have given it a
scope? Permissions...?).

Also, what I didn't like so much about the approach provided by the
script in mutt's repository was that it kindo of made it mandatory to
use an encryption tool. Not that I think it's a bad idea, but it feels
to me that given the complexity the process already has, it would be
nice to be provided with a way to start _without_ encryption, at least
to remove some of the complexity at the beginning.

Best wishes,


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