Regarding the following, written by "Derek Martin" on 2022-08-18 at 15:23 Uhr 
If this is all you need to do, then, do you really need to preserve the threading?

Excellent point, and the answer is no. It helps with:

enough info to demonstrate their uniqueness.

but I can just throw the Message-ID in there as well. Confuse them a bit ;)

Threading visualised would just make it visually more appealing and clearer. But it is certainly not required, and heck: most people in the Windows world don't even understand what it is. :rofl:

But damn you for mentioning formail. You know I'll now hack together a one-liner trial-and-error-style, rather than just to sit down and do it in Python, which might take longer, but will be infinitely better in the long run.


PS: (signature randomly chosen)

@martinkrafft |
(on the statement print "42 monkeys"+"1 snake") btw,
both perl and python get this wrong.
perl gives 43 and python gives "42 monkeys1 snake",
when the answer is clearly "41 monkeys and 1 fat snake".
                                                       -- jim fulton

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