On 2024-03-23 11:10:11, Sirius via Mutt-users wrote:
> In days of yore (Sat, 23 Mar 2024), Sadeep Madurange thus quoth: 
> > When I view the following email in mutt, I see a bunch of question marks
> > where the spaces are. I checked the codepoints and they all seem to be
> > the normal space (0x20) character in the ASCII table.
> My initial guess is that this is not a mutt problem but rather a display
> problem related to your environment. What does your LANG and LC variables
> look like and what are your locale settings? If at all possible, run with
> UTF-8.

Initially, LANG was unset and LC_CTYPE="C". The character encoding was
US-ASCII. I changed these variables (i.e., LANG, LC_CTYPE and locale
settings) to en_US.UTF-8. Then the ? changed to ?. So, looks like you
are on to something. I will check this with OpenBSD community as well.

In Xdefaults, I have set XTerm*utf-8 setting to true as well.

> It could also be related to the font used in Xterm, so worth trying
> another font (preferably one that has a decent portion of the UTF-8
> glyphs).

Unlikely to be a problem with the font. I'm using DejaVu Sans Mono,
which I used on Linux in the past without any problem.

Sadeep Madurange
PGP: 103BF9E3E750BF7E

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