I have adopted my own system similar to yours, but just slightly more 
organized, which is using a prefix on the context name.

This way, I have contexts that are grouped by this prefix.

@bsk_Personal Maintenance
@bsk_Tech Fuctionality
@loc_Home Reminders
@loc_My Closet
@loc_My Room
@loc_SMC_Main Campus Lati
@loc_WeHo Gateway
^act - Activity (to prevent tool-switching)
^bsk - Basket (where should the finished task "accrue points")
^frq - Frequency
^loc - Location
^nrg - Energy level appropriate
^req - Something required
^res - Resource (Usually who will do it)
^st - State (Mood or Situation)
^tm - Time (for things during a specific time of day)
^why - What's the reason for doing this

On Wednesday, February 21, 2018 at 2:23:14 AM UTC-8, John . Smith wrote:
> Hello
> How do you allocate tasks to specific goals to tasks?
> How do you plan today's periods of time?
> i.e. For any given day, how do you plan which Contexts you are going to do 
> in which order?
> [I apologise in advance that this is so long. Partly I am trying to get my 
> own thoughts clear!
> I've marked it up to make it easier to skim-read. ]
> For any task like to know, some or all of the following:
> 1. What *Area of Life* it's in 
>    ==> this I do through which MLO *Folder *I've put it in.
> 2. (If it's part of a larger project) what* major project *it's part of 
> ===> this I do by 
> a) using a hierarchy
> b) using the MLO *Projects* field in the parent task
> 3) "*Priority*" - what is the real-world Importance & real-world Urgency
> ==> I use the MLO *Importance *field, but because I find it too hard to 
> enter both values for all tasks
> Importance means importance, except if it's importance is "max" in which 
> case it means must be done urgently, irrespective of importance!
> 4) "*Do today*"  status
> ==> I use the MLO *Star* field to flag up at the start of each day what I 
> want to take on today. 
> 5). Different types of "contexts"
> A) What "*where context*" 
> i.e. Physically where must this be done
> ==> Use of MLO *Contexts* field (e.g.  @PC, @Office(paperwork), @Home, 
> @Errands...)
> B) What "*mood context*" 
> ==> I *also* use the MLO *Contexts* for this (e.g. @Calls, @DeepThought, 
> @LowEnergy ...)
> C) What "*task size*" 
> This helps me pluck any quick wins - low hanging task 
> ==> I *also* use the MLO *Contexts* for this ( @Quickies..)
> D) What "*time of day context*" 
> I only use this occasionally, but it can be important.
> Normally tasks get done at the correct time of day depending on their Area 
> of Life
> But sometimes a work task must be done during the evening
> And sometimes a person task MUST be done during working hours 
> ==> I *also* use the MLO *Contexts* for this too (e.g. @Evenings, 
> @WorkingHours...)
> E) What resistance history?
> For tasks that have been around too long, I also want to flag up "Frogs" - 
> harder/high resistance stuff (witness by the fact that I have put them 
> off). I like to start the day with tackling one of these tasks.
> This ALSO goes into the MLO *Contexts* field  (e.g.@Frog)
> 6) What "Executable Status" (when would I like see again & execute) 
> ==> 
> a) Partly I kick into the future (change MLO *Start Date* field) so task 
> disappears of Active view  [GTD "Tickler" file]
> b) Partly I also use the  MLO *Context *field too [@Soon/Later, 
> @SomedayMaybe, @Bonus ]
> So I am now using the MLO *Contexts* field for SIX different types of 
> thing: 
> A) What "Where context"           ==>  (e.g.  @PC, @Office(paperwork), 
> @Home, @Errands...)
> B) What "Mood context"            ==>  (e.g. @Calls, @DeepThought, 
> @LowEnergy ...)
> C) What "Size" is the task         ==>  (e.g. @Quickies ) 
> D) What "Time of day context"  ==>  (e.g. @Evenings, @WorkingHours... )
> E) What "Executable Status"    ==>  (e.g. @Soon/Later, @SomedayMaybe, 
> @Bonus )
> F) What "resistance history"     ==>  (e.g. @Frog )
> But I'm now running out of fields!!
> a) How does one track which personal GOAL any task is part of?
> [Explanation: I do find by using task management software it's all too 
> easy to keep yourself busy executing lots of tasks... but it's not clear 
> WHY you are doing stuff. In fact it's very easy to do all the wrong stuff.]
> ==> So I am really going to allocate Goals using the MLO *Context* field, 
> as well as for the other SIX things listed above?
> b) How (the heck) does one plan which Contexts I'm doing to do today and 
> in which order... 
> ...And hopefully tie in which task area part of those Context?
> J

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