Hi Stephane,

Thank you for the really quick reply! The task is to send out a meeting 
agenda with the meeting usually being on a Tuesday but it may be Wednesday 
occasionally. Your second option works perfectly thank you; the task will 
appear on Monday's list but remain until Tuesday if not checked off.

Thank you


On Friday, 14 February 2020 12:19:58 UTC, Stéph wrote:
> No direct way. However, if the task has an alarm, it can be snoozed. One 
> work-around. If you have to change the due date because of something else, 
> then maybe the recurring task needs a dependency to be set up for whatever 
> is keeping you from completing it on Monday?
> Another thought - If you *can *do your recurring task on a Monday, but *don't 
> have to *complete it until a Tuesday, maybe you could set your Start date 
> to the Monday and your Due date to the Tuesday, every week?
> Stéphane
> On Friday, 14 February 2020 11:52:07 UTC, Richard Emes wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I currently have a Task that recurs every Monday but occasionally I need 
>> it to move to a Tuesday for just one week. Is there a way of doing this 
>> without changing the whole recurring pattern, as I want the next occurrence 
>> to revert back to Monday? 
>> I guess what I'm trying to do is postpone a weekly task by one day but 
>> only for this week. 
>> I can amend the recurrence and then revert back to every Monday but it 
>> seems a bit of a kludge!
>> Does anyone know of an easy way to postpone a one-off occurrence of a 
>> recurring task? ( I don't want to skip the occurrence completely just move 
>> one occurrence back a day)
>> Thanks,
>> Richard 

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