
Good news for a release 1.1.0 . I will propose soon an update for my brush
preset set#2 , just polishing it.
As I'm not familiar with Git ( and I tried to commit but definitely not my
cup of tea ) I will propose the *.zip here to replace #set2, on this
mailing list. ( I wont take the risk to post it on my blog ; all Windows
user would try with 1.0 and have *.myb reading problem with the newer
format )

On antoher topic ; if someone have time around for a bit of appearance love
, feel free to insert/use vectors icons I made for Mypaint :
do anywork to make the interface looks better.  I don't know how to
insert them , so i can't work on it more. ( Actual top tool bar is messy in
my opinion , ref :
, (  oh, I also can imagine very well having new Gimp 2.8 slider down
brushes panel ; they are easier to use with a tablet pen ) .


2 minor bug I encounters the most in master, to help you on the list of 158
bug :
- The one of brush icon/group-label not clickable ( or drag and drop )  ; I
have to click one or two times around on other group  for the icons to be
actives. It sound like it depend of GTK theme. It happen on Greybird ( Xfce
default ), Oxygen-gtk ( on KDE )  but not on Mint-X ( of LinuxMint 13
Cinamon )  ( minor but annoying )
- Space bar and drag canvas while 'moving a layer' ( minor )


New Features list  of 1.1.0 :

- Geometry tools : Line , Series of Lines and Circles
- Control of pressure for geometric line
- Curve straight lines on canvas
- Lines constrained to angles ; 45° , 90° ...
- Frame around document , with color setup and not rounded anymore to 16px
- Move and resize frame on canvas
- 'Colorize' blending mode for layer and brush (HSY)
- Symmetric drawing mode
- New color dialog : palette, gamut mapping
- Washed color dialog on canvas back from 0.6
- On canvas notifications feedback ( used for zoom level for the moment )
- Move layer mode
- Tools to pan / continuous zoom / rotate canvas on toolbar

( sorry if I forget , please add to it, I will do screenshot per feature
for Mypaint blog post ) :

Possible regression :

On old color selector docker, there was features not anymore reachable via
a docker :
- Color history
- And color infos for triad/complimentary/etc...
( I personnaly wont complain ; I didn't use them this way. )


2012/10/25 Martin Renold <martin...@gmx.ch>

> It's that time of the year again... time for a release, I guess.  No heavy
> development seems to be going on right now in master, but there has been a
> lot of work done since 1.0.0 (about 11 months ago).
> What's everyone's status? Any objection to declare a string freeze soon,
> say, in one week, and release in about a month?  Anyone working on
> something
> that we should wait for?  Are there any forgotten patches lying around that
> are ready, just waiting to be pushed?  Any brushset or background updates
> that we should include (or remove)?
> There are 158 bug reports open that aren't marked as fixed. It frustrates
> me
> that I didn't contribute more time to fix more of them.  But there is no
> reason to hold back all the good work that has been done.
> It would be good to have no major regressions. The main problem seems to
> be (as usual) a GTK Windows bug: https://gna.org/bugs/index.php?19948
> Which means that we won't have a working Windows release.  Reminder for
> non-artists: MyPaint without pressure support is completely useless.
> Maybe I will find the time and motivation to do a Windows debugging
> session,
> or maybe not.  Either way, help would be appreciated.  It's a critical bug
> for many users.  But if nobody is working on it, there is no point to delay
> the release because of it.
> Do we have any other important regressions?
> --
> Martin Renold
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