Martijn Tonies schrieb:
>>>>> [...] why in procedure TRUNCATE table
>>>>> demo do not reset auto_increment?
>>>> is clearly written in the documentation, just read ...
>>>> in short:
>>>> auto_increment is used for primary key, primary keys could be
>>>> referenced
>>>> from another table, setting auto_increment back to 0 could lead to
>>>> using a
>>>> primary key formerly used by another datarow and still referenced by
>>>> another
>>>> table - could lead to data inconsistency.
>>> lol, but TRUNCATE empties the table... What good are your references?
>> it is better to have references leading to 'nothing' than to a wrong
>> datarow
>> ... i think this is very easy to understand - better save than sorry!
> Why is a row with an invalid reference better? It's invalid data and you
> just corrupted your database.

please define 'invalid' - i think invalid is it in booth cases, so an empty
invalid is better than a wrong invalid, or not?

better have an unpayed bill leading to no costumer than to a wrong customer


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