You are invited to be a speaker/presenter at MOSSCon.

Preparations are in full swing for the very first Midwest Open Source Software Conference (MOSSCon), to be held in Louisville on May 18-19. Your help in spreading the word and helping us fill out our schedule of presentations and workshops would be appreciated.

This is going to be a great networking event for the whole region! Louisville is in such a central location, it can draw from a very wide area.

We have a great venue: the University of Louisville's Student Activities Center, with several large halls, a number of smaller meeting rooms, and plenty of exhibit space available for groups and businesses to make their presence known.

We are working on a broadly based "Open" theme, that can include open source hardware, open data, etc., as well as the full gamut of open source software.

We already have some super presentations lined up. But there are still plenty of pieces that need to come together. Right now we are concentrating on filling out our schedule with more presentations and workshops. And soliciting sponsors.

If you're involved with Open Source (or open anything) you definitely want to be a part of this. I encourage you to consider speaking or doing a presentation or workshop on a subject in your area of interest and/or expertise.

Check out the conference website at Click on "Be a Speaker" for details on submitting your proposal.

But get to it! The deadline for submitting your preliminary proposal is this Friday, March 29!

Spread the word and submit your proposal!


John Hicks

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