Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/ODBC 5.3.1 beta, a new version of the ODBC driver for
the MySQL database management system, has been released.

The available downloads include both a Unicode driver and an ANSI
driver based on the same modern codebase. Please select driver type
you need based on the type of your application - Unicode or ANSI.
Server-side prepared statements are enabled by default. It is suitable
for use with any MySQL version since 4.1 (It will not work with 4.0 or
earlier releases.)

This is the second release of the MySQL ODBC driver conforming to the
ODBC 3.8 specification. It contains the minimally required
implementation of the standard with key 3.8 features, which include
self-identification as a ODBC 3.8 driver, streaming of output parameters
(supported for binary types only), support of the
SQL_ATTR_RESET_CONNECTION connection attribute (for the Unicode driver

Also Connector/ODBC 5.3 introduces a GTK+-based setup library
providing GUI DSN setup dialog on some Unix based systems, currently
included in the Oracle Linux 6 and Debian 6 binary packages. Other new
features in the 5.3 driver are FileDSN and Bookmarks support.

Keep in mind that this is a beta release, and as with any other
pre-production release, caution should be taken when installing on
production level systems or systems with critical data. Not all of
the features planned for the final Connector/ODBC 5.3 release are

The release is now available in source and binary form for a number of
platforms from our download pages at

For information on installing, please see the documentation at


The MySQL Connectors team at Oracle

Changes in MySQL Connector/ODBC 5.3.1 (2013-11-27)

   Functionality Added or Changed

     * Implemented the SQL_ATTR_RESET_CONNECTION connection
       attribute, newly introduced in ODBC 3.8. See the ODBC
       specifications for details. Currently, the connection
       attribute is supported by the Unicode driver, but not the
       ANSI driver.

   Bugs Fixed

     * Calling SQLBulkOperations() without setting
       SQLSetStmtAttr resulted in a segmentation fault. (Bug

     * A memory leak occurred when using Connector/ODBC to
       update the contents of a row. (Bug #17653461, Bug #70662)

     * A bad memory access occurred in the ssps_get_out_params
       function in my_prepared_stmt.c, when a call was made to a
       stored procedure with any IN parameters coming after the
       last OUT or INOUT parameter. (Bug #17640929, Bug #70642)

     * A memory leak occurred in SQLConnect() when it was
       invoked after a call of SQLSetConnectAttr() that used the
       parameter SQL_ATTR_CURRENT_CATALOG. (Bug #17586844)

     * A memory leak occurred in SQLSetStmtAttr(), because
       statement deallocation was missing. (Bug #17441507)

     * A segmentation fault occurred when SQLColumns()'s table
       argument is longer than 256 characters, or its column
       argument is longer than 129 characters. This fix makes
       Connector/ODBC return a proper error for the situation.
       (Bug #17358838)

     * A memory leak occurred in SQLProcedureColumns() when no
       function or procedure column satisfying the selection
       condition existed. (Bug #17298721)

     * An assertion failure occurred in SQLDescribeCol() if the
       column number used is larger than the number of columns
       in the result set. (Bug #17311065)

     * The function SQLPutData() gave an error when handling a
       Unicode string that had SQL_NTS given as its string
       length. (Bug #14810497, Bug #66943)

     * From Connector/ODBC version 5.2.2 onwards, the function
       SQLForeignKeys() did not work if the connection option
       NO_INFORMATION_SCHEMA was set. (Bug #13712420, Bug

Hery Ramilison
MySQL/ORACLE Release Engineering Team

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