Lo everyone,

I seem to be having a problem with the structuring of my query - more
specifically, with the WHERE clause...

mysql> SELECT ZoneName
    ->   FROM CompanyDNSZones
    ->   LEFT JOIN CompanyDetails ON
    ->   WHERE CompanyDetails.CompanySuspended='0' AND
    ->         CompanyDNSZones.ZoneName='megalan.co.za' AND
    ->         CompanyDNSZones.ZoneServices LIKE '%HasMail%' OR
    ->         CompanyDNSZones.ZoneServices LIKE '%HasMailingList%';
| ZoneName            |
| megalan.co.za       |
| lists.megalan.co.za |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)

How do I get it to only return the item specified in the WHERE clause?

I explictly tell MySQL in my where clause to only return results where
CompanyDNSZones.ZoneName='megalan.co.za', so where does it fall out
returning lists.megalan.co.za as well?


PS: Just for interest takes, can LEFT / RIGHT / a combination of LEFT &
RIGHT joins be used to cross-reference three or more tables, or is it
limited to 2 tables only?

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