The "last one" you're referring to - could it be the error log?

The log files will only grow to a pre-determined limit. These log files are used to ensure that transactions maintain their durability.

With Oracle, you'd want to be careful. Oracle gets very, very picky about the stuff underneath it when it's running. If it gets to a configuration limit, the results can be very, very depressing. Having to extend tablespaces by hand is a very common Oracle DBA task.



Leo Huang wrote:

Hello Nitin,

From the timestamp of the log files, it seems that the first two files
works together while the last one seems just sitting there, doesn't do

Also, will the log files getting bigger and bigger in the future?? If so
how should I deal with them?

For your last suggestion, what will Oracle do if I specify a datafile
size less than the database size, e.g. I specify 20M in the my.cnf while
there are actually 400M of data in my database?


Nitin wrote:


first things first, you cann't resize your datafiles without shutting down
your database. if it's ok with you, have a look at

you may want to have a look at you my.cnf file, stored in mysql data dir or
in /etc dir, for the default options specified there fo the datafile with:


Yes, you can add data file, just add another entry to above option. option
entry is self-explainatory.

At last, ibdata1, ibdata2.... are actual data files used to store actual
data. one or more of these files are attached to one tablespace and one file
cant span across tablespaces.

ib_logfile0, ib_logfile1 are log files, which are used to log sql statements
applied to database. these files are used to restore data in case of any
crash or mishap.

for further info, have a look at:


----- Original Message ----- From: "Leo Huang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 6:28 PM
Subject: InnoDB Questions


I have a few questions about InnoDB.
I am new to InnoDB, and just converted my MyISAM tables into InnoDB a
few days ago.
I notice that it generates these files

-rw-rw----    1 mysql    mysql        2560 Nov  2 13:07
-rw-rw----    1 mysql    mysql    790626304 Nov  4 20:44 ibdata1
-rw-rw----    1 mysql    mysql    10485760 Nov  4 20:44 ib_logfile0
-rw-rw----    1 mysql    mysql    10485760 Nov  4 20:44 ib_logfile1
-rw-rw----    1 mysql    mysql    10485760 Nov  3 00:02 ib_logfile2

But how can those files work together?

In InnoDB documentation, it suggests to add another file ibdata2 to
get higher performance. Can I do that now, after I have created the
ibdata1 and used it for a while?

The most important thing is I deleted a 300M database, but the ibdata1
remains the same size. MyPHPAdmin says 330,000KB free. How can I make
the data file smaller?

I will be really appreciated if someone can briefly describe what's
happening to those files or point me to some articles.

Thanks a lot,

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