* John Kelly
> I have a table of full URLs and IPs and am using the following
> query to return
> distinct web requests by domain. Using SUBSTRING_INDEX it only returns the
> domain part of the URL:
> SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(url, '/', 3) as topsites, count(distinct
> ip) as count
> from tablename WHERE SUBSTRING_INDEX(url, '/', 3) LIKE
> '%mydomain%' group by
> topsites order by count
> Example output:
> topsites                                                count
> http://www.mydomain.com                    5
> http://mydomain.com                             3
> My question is how do I modify the query to get it to merge
> requests for the
> same domain by ignoring the "www." so that the above would return:
> http://mydomain.com                             8
> I think it has something to do with adding
> REPLACE('url', 'www.', '')
> but I can't figure out where to put it to make it work.

Try either

  SUBSTRING_INDEX(REPLACE(url, 'www.', ''), '/', 3)


  REPLACE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(url, '/', 3),'www.', '')

You don't need it in the WHERE clause, only in the field list and GROUP BY:

SELECT REPLACE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(url, '/', 3),'www.', '') as topsites,
  count(distinct ip) as count from tablename
  WHERE SUBSTRING_INDEX(url, '/', 3) LIKE '%mydomain%'
  group by topsites order by count


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