Sorry...  I should have pointed that out.  I get the same problem  
when I use release-0-18-fixes and HEAD.

The output of configure is as follows...

cat: /proc/cpuinfo: No such file or directory
cat: /proc/cpuinfo: No such file or directory

*** WARNING ***
Your CPU was not detected properly:
    uname -m: i386
    uname -p: i386

If you are using a recent CVS checkout,
please e-mail the above to
With the subject "configure did not detect my cpu"

cat: /etc/ No such file or directory
cat: /etc/ No such file or directory
cat: /etc/ No such file or directory
cat: /etc/ No such file or directory
cat: /etc/ No such file or directory
cat: /etc/ No such file or directory
# Basic Settings
Compile type     release
Compiler cache   no
DistCC           no
Install prefix   /Users/james/myth/.osx-packager/build
CPU              x86 (i386)
Big Endian       no
MMX enabled      no
Vector Builtins  yes

# Input Support
Joystick menu    no
lirc support     no
ivtv support     no
FireWire support no
DVB support      no [/usr/src/linux-8.4.1/include]

# Sound Output Support
OSS support      no
ALSA support     no
aRts support     no
JACK support     no

# Video Output Support
x11 support      no
xrandr support   no
xv support       no
XvMC support     no
XvMC VLD support no
OpenGL vsync     no
DirectFB         no

--  James L. Lauser

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On Jan 26, 2006, at 21:20 , Geoffrey Kruse wrote:

>> Hello.
>> As the owner of a shiny new Intel Core Duo powered iMac and a
>> faithful MythTV user, I decided I wanted to try to build an Intel
>> version of mythfrontend for OS X.  Using a slightly modified version
>> of mythtv/contrib/ (just to get newer versions of
>> MySQL and qt-mac, and to disable the DVD playback features, as I
>> don't need them and they weren't compiling anyway), I was able to
>> build all of the prerequesites, and got the build of MythTV to start.
>> It ran into a problem, however.  It looks like it happens the first
>> time it tries to run the linker.  Here is the last command it ran,
>> followed by the error messages it spewed...
>> <Snip>
>> ld: Undefined symbols:
>> magicF2W
>> wm0101
>> wm1010
>> wm1100
>> /usr/bin/libtool: internal link edit command failed
>> make[2]: *** [libmythavcodec-] Error 1
>> make[1]: *** [sub-libavcodec] Error 2
>> make: *** [sub-libs] Error 2
>> [osx-pkg] Failed system call: " /usr/bin/make " with error code 2
>> Died at line 760.
>> I searched the archives, but didn't find anything relevant.  Any help
>> would be appreciated.
> These undefined symbols seem to be related to ffmpeg.  A place to  
> start would by to post the output of configure so we can tell how  
> it is detecting your cpu.  Also, it looks like you are building  
> 18.2 instead of head?   If this is the case, you might try building  
> head instead.
> Geoff_______________________________________________
> mythtv-dev mailing list

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