On Fri, Jan 27, 2006 at 10:24:31PM +1000, Buzz wrote:
> > You apparently can't display 1080i with Xv and whatever video
> > card/driver you're using.  There's nothing left in Myth to "fix".
> Given that the MS windows software that comes with my DVB-T card
> works just fine (by scaling the display output to either a selected
> resolution, or "full screen" - which is the largest scaling that can
> be fitted in my display resolution without cropping), I would have
> thought that there was an equivalent in Myth...since Myth is
> otherwise superior in just about every aspect.   
> How do others cope when part of their display chain can't directly
> play (1080i)1920x1080 resolution, (or other big resolutions)?, but
> they still want to use HD?
> My video card will quite happily do 1920x1200, but my LCD only does
> 1280x1024, is that what's failing me?

One way to cope is to auto-transcode everything down to a lower
resolution. That will require less CPU for playback.


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