Isaac Richards wrote:

>On Friday 27 January 2006 11:32, Ivor Hewitt wrote:
>>On Friday 27 January 2006 16:28, Buzz wrote:
>>>Would it be possible to scale the video down to the 'maximum XvImage
>>>size' (or somewhere under it)?
>>No. Well not that there's any point. :)
>>Xv is what's providing the performance for scaling the video to your screen
>>res.... if you scale the video before passing it to Xv then you're doing
>>the scaling in software and there's not advantage to using Xv (ok, well
>>apart from the colourspace conversion).
>Furthermore, it's decoding directly into those XvImages.  Scaling first would 
>be adding an extra huge frame-sized memcpy to every frame which would also 
>negatively impact performance.
>Jjust buy a real video card if you want to display HD.
>mythtv-dev mailing list
My problem is the computer is a laptop with the I915GM chipset (dell 
inspiron 2200) that for $400 makes a great mobile mythtv display.
It's just a driver bug that's not too hard to fix as the hardware can 
create a 1920x1080 overlay but was coded with the old i810 limits into it.

 With the mythtv patch it won't crash my backend when a remote display 
errors. Great work guys!!!
mythtv-dev mailing list

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