Brandon - 

Nice to hear efforts are underway to get the 3000 working with
unencrypted QAM over cable.  I have Detroit Area Comcast and I
understand most of the local HD stations are available unencrypted
over cable.  This may mean the difference between installing the
pchdtv card in my current backend (in the basement) or having to
install it in a slave back-end up a floor or two.  (Hoping to avoid
roof mounted antenni . . . . )

What is the forecast for this functionality to be ready for prime time
and supported in Myth?
If I can be of any help testing feel free to let me know.


On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 21:50:28 -0700, Brandon Beattie

> Atleast here in Utah, Comcast is unencrypted and has been tested with
> the pcHDTV HD-3000 card and it works just fine.  From my pinging around,
> it seems about half the US has unencrypted QAM.
> --Brandon
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