On Thu, Feb 03, 2005 at 11:48:04PM -0500, Robert Tsai wrote:
> Can anyone identify passively-cooled (heatsink only, no fan) FX5200
> graphics cards with DVI output?
> I've only been able to identify the Gainward Pro/660 (VGFX5200DTL) on
> the manufacturer website:
> http://www.gainwardusa.com/products/vga_660dt.htm . Unfortunately,
> this card seems to be rather hard to find (out of stock at most of the
> big online retailers).
> I've seen hints of others (Inno3D Tornado, Asus V9520-X/TD-128), but
> I'd like to be sure, because there is variation even within a
> manufacturer. For example, the eVGA website shows passive heatsinks in
> all their pictures, but when I ordered one, I discovered that it had a
> fan. So now I don't trust website pictures without text; only
> Gainward's website specifically identifies the passive cooling
> mechanism.
> Thanks,
> --Rob

Active cooling is not always bad.  If you have a location in your case
where air movement is stale, active is a good idea.  A good case won't
have a dead spot and so passive is prefered mostly because it's one less
thing to go bad, as noise on it is so minor.

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