I wish I had written down a definitive list, but here's from memory and poking
around my NFS share:

Create a /fastboot file to prevent fsck failures.

Add "gentoo=ramfs" to your kernel boot parameters and mkdir /mnt/.init.d in the
diskless image. This will mount a ramfs on /mnt/.init.d on boot and place the
rc scripts dependencies cache there instead of in /var. This is a nice trick.

Mount a tmpfs on /tmp so you have some read-write (although not permanent)

Symlink /var/lock, /var/log, and /var/run in the NFS image to /tmp.

Symlink the following files in /etc to /tmp: csh.env, ntp.conf, profile.env,
resolv.conf. Such as ln -sf /tmp/csh.env /etc/csh.env. These files get written
to as part of the startup but aren't important enough to need to survive a
reboot. Also /etc/env.d/01hostname to /tmp/hostname.

Modify /etc/init.d/net.eth0 so that if the interface is already up (search for
"Keeping kernel configuration" it will reconfigure it anyway. Otherwise the
dhcp client doesn't start and you'll probably loose your lease eventually.

That's all I can remember. I also created a couple of startup scripts that do
things based on the hostname that they are executed on - for example, I check
the hostname and set the ati_remote module's channel_mask parameter to the
correct value for each frontend like this in /etc/init.d/ati-remote:


start() {
        ebegin "Loading ATI Remote driver for `hostname`"
                case `hostname` in
                        /sbin/modprobe ati_remote channel_mask=0xFFFD
                        /sbin/modprobe ati_remote channel_mask=0xFFFB
        eend $?

That's pretty much it. The best way to go about it is get 1 frontend working
with NFS read/write, then switch it to read only. Boot it up and keep
fixing/tweaking things until it doesn't break. Once it works, go back and make
things more generic (like with that ati-remote script above) so it will work on
any front end. As long as I continue to use i686 type frontends, I think I can
continue to use this same generic NFS share.


Quoting Dan Littlejohn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Dave, what did you tweak to make your NFS share read only?


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