On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 02:03:54 -0800, Brad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I absolutely agree with Matt that this is a feature desperately
> lacking in MythTV. I know its been brought up many times here, so
> obviously others thinks so too. I think the main reason that it
> hasn't been implemented is that the people with the skill needed to
> do so, think nothing of burning dvds from the command line (or
> installing 1Tb of online storage) -- while the people that need/want
> it are still struggling to understand the remote control.
> Anyway, don't be too hard on Matt - he's a user making a suggestion.
> Surely there is some value in that. I'm pretty sick of reading "Well,
> then code it" every time someone makes a reasonable suggestion for
> improving Myth. Besides, he preceded his message with the obligatory
> heaping-of-praise-upon-the-geeks, so I don't think he meant any harm.
> ;=)
> PS: I can't code it either.  :-)
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Yes, there is value in users making suggestions.  The thing to
remember is how you make those suggestions.  I think the reason Matt
got so many harsh responses is the way he worded his post. 
Specifically this part:

(Sure, people can say "run this command line, then do this, then
that... then burn."  NO!  This should be an automated procedure with
ease and simplicity and no commands lines. ) which seems to imply that
he is well aware that there is a method to do what he wants to do, but
he's not willing to put in the effort to do it until someone else puts
in lots more effort to make it easy for him.

You may notice that when feature requests/suggestions are made
politely they are most often greeted with responses stating either why
that feature hasn't been added yet, that it's already being worked on
or why it's not a reasonable/feasible request.  When suggestions are
made in the fashion of "I know it can be done now, but I refuse to
figure out how and want an easier way" you tend to get responses like
"then code it yourself".

Matt - I hope I'm not coming off as a complete jerk here, but when I
read your original post the tone I got from it was very whiney and
really rubbed me the wrong way, apparently despite your best
intentions. :)

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