On Tue, 15 Feb 2005, Sean G wrote:


I was mucking around with the same patch last month,
and found that it wasn't handling frametype T

It would play one of my recordings correctly for a few
seconds, then die.  I turned on the debugging flags
and found that when it encountered a T frame, it would
not skip ahead to the next frame properly.

I patched demux_nuv.c, to skip over T frames, but then
came across mpeg4 decode issues.

Did you get further than this ?

P.S. I'm working with bt878 recorded and transcoded to
mp4 files

I haven't had a chance to muck with it anymore than I discussed a week or so ago. It would appear that the format of the .nuv file has changed a bit since the (rather old) patch was cooked up. Just FYI I'm using PVR-250 captures, but transcoded to MP4 with commercials cut out. MPlayer seems to play them, but when skipping it says:
[mpeg4 @ 0x8625f20]warning: first frame is no keyframe

... those skips are what it chokes on with the mencoder -ovc copy as well.


* Cory Papenfuss                                                        *
* Electrical Engineering candidate Ph.D. graduate student               *
* Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University                   *

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