On Tue, 2005-15-02 at 19:53 -0600, M S wrote:
> First off... this is not meant to be a flame war and let me say I LOVE
> both the concept of MythTV as well as it's functionality.
> I think the biggest thing missing from MythTV is a built in function
> for archiving shows to DVD.  The closest thing I've come to is
> MythBurn, and even for all it offers, it's still lacking some key
> features such as:
> 1) True integration
> 2) Lack of using cutlists (even though someone has wrote a patch to do
> this, it isn't fullproof)
> 3) Doesn't convert the mp2 audio into the DVD standard of AC3 audio
> 4) Only supposidly works with MPEG2 clips (pvr-x50s)
> 5) and more
> I have 176GB available for myth recordings and every day I'm having to
> delete a show just to continue to use myth.  I want to archive a large
> percentage of my movies to DVD.  Sure, people can say "run this
> command line, then do this, then that... then burn."  NO!  This should
> be an automated procedure with ease and simplicity and no commands
> lines.  It should be able to take a recording, use the cutlists to
> remove commercials, build indexes, and make interactive menus.  It
> should also not involve having to do somethings on one machine, then
> copying to finish off processing on another with the exception of
> possibly saving an iso that can be burned on another machine which has
> a burner.

I think on the amount of DVD's you'd go through, you would be better off
adding drives to your system to increase storage.

Say you can get 2 hours of video on a DVD. But it's packed on to the
myth box and it's only 400M.

I would rather have 500G of storage and then delete shows if I bought
the boxed set, rather than archive everything off to DVD. I regularly
download with bittorrent until I get a myth box running (which is this
weekends project) but if I want to watch season one of Las Vegas, I buy
it to watch. It's convenient to have the files on my hard drive, but the
15G they take up right now will be freed up when I get the box set.

While I know a thing or three about burning in Linux, I have never
created a video or movie disc on my box. I have been using Roxio and
Winders for that, for no particular reason. I also know nothing about
coding, but I am getting better at writing bash scripts. 

If it is possible to do it all that way, you could write a script that
will automagically burn the dvd with the show you specify, but I don't
know if everything can be done from the command line. I certainly know
that you can write the ISO from the commandline, and even build an ISO
from a directory of files, but I'm pretty green when it comes to video.

At the very least, you could buy a commercial PVR, hook the myth output
to the input on the PVR, re-record the show on the PVR and write it to
disc. I know that's not the answer you are looking for, but it's as
helpful as the way you've phrased your frustration about myth.


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