On Thu, 2005-09-22 at 16:23 -0400, Paul Schied wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I am new to this forum and am considering trying to get mythtv working
> but want to clear a couple of questions up before going any further. 
> I have comcast cable, extended basic cable. To my knowledge it is not
> digital but I DO have a cablebox. From what I've been reading I will
> need to hook up the cable to my tuner card after it goes through the
> cablebox (so it is decoded). 

FWIW, I don't know how it is where you live, but I have comcast cable,
extended basic cable, and I don't need a cable box.  I split the cable,
one end to my MythTV machine, the other directly to my TV, which is
"cable-ready" - like any non-ancient TV.  I only have one capture card
in my Myth box.  I hardly ever want to watch live TV, and if I do, I use
the TV tuner instead of Myth because of the slow channel surfing.  After
using Myth for a while, you'll find your need for live TV diminished.
Even for the shows I need to see right away, I just record them and
start watching them 10-20 minutes into them so I can skip the


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