On 26-Feb-2007, at 14:09, Rodney Joffe wrote:

Probably the appropriate discussion to have first...

DR is considered Central America, not North America.

There are probably more definitions of North America in circulation than there have been NANOG meetings.

Geologically speaking, anything in California west of the San Andreas Fault is not in North America -- it's on the Pacific plate. "Central America" by many definitions is in fact "the southern portion of North America". I could go on, but if I do I risk being sucked into wikipedia for the rest of the day.

Can I suggest that the most practical approach to deal with the question at hand is not to dwell on geopolitics, but instead to address the original question: would attending a meeting in the Dominican Republic involve undue hardship to the community, or perhaps be difficult to manage for some other reason (e.g. corporate travel policy)?

So far I've heard one person suggest that they would have trouble obtaining corporate approval to travel, two people saying that they'd expect no such problem, and one person strongly in favour of warm locations for winter meetings. That doesn't give us much to go on.


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