>> Frankly, I'm fine with 911 not working on VoIP lines; I have a cell phone
>> for that when needed.  Now that I think about it, I'm not sure I've ever
>> actually dialed 911 from a land line.
>You're lying on the floor incapacitated and in agony, suffering from some
>acute and life threatening medical condition. Your neighbour finds you.
>He picks up your landline phone, dials 911 and hears "911 service is not
>available from this phone please use another phone...". He goes looking
>for another phone while you die and rest in peace.

And let's not forget the:  You collapse from a heart attack at 1:00 AM, dial
911 on your cell phone and go unconscious before the operator answers.  You
die because the operator doesn't have your location auto-magically popping
up on his/her screen.

And for the record, the GPS locators currently in cell phones tend *not* to
work indoors, so even if you are lucky enough to live in an area where E911
is plugged into your cell phone carrier's locator service, you still have a
high probability of being screwed.

/Alex K.

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