On Thu, Jul 4, 2019 at 8:46 PM Francois Lecavalier
<francois.lecaval...@mindgeek.com> wrote:

> It's been close to 3 hours now since I dropped them - radio silence.

I am going to assume that "radio silence" for you means that your
network is fully functional and none of your customers have raised
issues! :-)

> Whoever fears implementing RPKI/ROA/ROV, simply don't.  It's very easy to 
> implement, validate and troubleshoot.

Thank you for sharing your report. I believe it is good to share rpki
stories with each other, not just to celebrate the deployment of an
exciting technology, but also to help provide debugging information
ahead of time should there be issues between provider A and B due to a
ROA misconfiguration. Announcing to the public that one has deployed
RPKI - in this stage of the lifecycle of the tech - probably is a
productive action to consider.

Anyway, you can now enjoy https://rpki.net/s/rpki-test even more! :-)

Kind regards,


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