On 07/10/2019 17:42, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
On Fri, Oct 04, 2019 at 03:52:26PM -0400,
  Phil Pishioneri <pgp+na...@psu.edu> wrote
  a message of 9 lines which said:

Using Cloud Resources to Dramatically Improve Internet Routing
UMass Amherst researchers to use cloud-based ‘logically centralized
Executive summary: it's SDN for BGP. Centralizing Internet routing,
what could go wrong? (As the authors say, "One reason is there is no
single entity that has a big picture of what is going on, no
manager". I wonder who will be Internet's manager.)

Centralized Internet routing - sounds like DoH for BGP.

What could possibly go wrong?!


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