NANOG Staff member that is granted the privilege of reading the list and 
ensuring all folks adhere to the Usage Guidelines 
<> of the list here…

Please note this thread is off topic from the subject line.

If people on the list would like to continue a discussion about IPv4, IPv4+ and 
IPv6, please do so under a new thread and ensure you follow Usage Guidelines.

Thank you.


Valerie Wittkop - NANOG Program Director
305 E. Eisenhower Pkwy, Suite 100, Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Tel: +1 866 902 1336, ext 103

> On May 13, 2020, at 7:40 PM, Brielle <> wrote:
> What makes you think that companies are going to spend money and time on your 
> “solution” when they’re having to be dragged kicking and screaming to fully 
> enable IPv6 to every endpoint on their networks?  
> Most places already OWN IPv6 capable routers/equipment, they’re just either 
> being lazy in setting it up (“no reason to” excuse) or there’s not enough 
> customer demand for them to take the time.
> You don’t seem to have a firm grasp on WHY IPv6 adoption is taking so long. 
> Sent from my iPad
>> On May 13, 2020, at 5:15 PM, Elad Cohen <> wrote:
>> A degree in economics is not needed to know that if the damages of something 
>> is causing x2 the amount that can be spent to avoid the damages - then half 
>> of the amount should be spent.
>> From: Töma Gavrichenkov <>
>> Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2020 2:09 AM
>> To: Elad Cohen <>
>> Cc: Shane Ronan <>; North American Network Operators' 
>> Group <>
>> Subject: Re: RIPE NCC Executive Board election
>> Peace,
>> On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 2:04 AM Elad Cohen <> wrote:
>> > [..] for example if spoofed DDoS amplification attacks are
>> > causing yearly damages of $100M per year in the world
>> > and these EOL equipment cost $50M in the world, it
>> > might be worth to replace them)
>> What's your degree in economics?  Is it an MBA, and if yes, then where?
>> Quite frankly, when it comes to your biography published on the
>> candidates page, we honestly don't even know if you're even succeeded
>> in primary school.  There's nothing telling about this.
>> What engineering experience do you have?
>> --
>> Töma

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