On Mon, Jun 08, 2020 at 06:12:12PM -0400, Dave Cohen wrote:
> There is a middle ground between ???not managing customer light??? and ???not 
> managing anything??? though. The Adva ALM solution that a few folks that have 
> mentioned, along with others like Lucent SmartLGX, effectively bridge this 
> gap by helping trace the precise location of cuts and even smaller scale 
> incidents like microbends to expedite diagnosis and repair to the extent 
> possible. It???s not a panacea and definitely not a substitute for managing 
> the hardware at the endpoints, but it does improve operational responsiveness 
> in a measurable way. And yes, there are dark fiber providers in the Northeast 
> that leverage this technology, at least on some portion of their fiber 
> plants. 

Agreed that there is a middle ground.  Devices like these are something that 
customers can individually deploy on their lit fibers (then again, many optical
vendors now include automatic fault location (e.g. OTDR function) into their 
line interface cards with OSC add/drop filters (e.g. Ciena ESAM, etc).)

And ofcourse, I think it's great for carriers to deploy these on their own 
internal circuits for telemetry purposes and improve fault location response.

But as far as dark fiber pair that's being leased out to an end-user customer 
or another entity, I for one, do not want any carrier equipment whatsoever
on any fiber spans we obtain from another party (be it fiber swap with a 
carrier, or leased segment otherwise), full stop.   Everything else besides 
is more attenuation to me, and with data center MMRs along the eway, there are 
already enough insertion losses as is.


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