On 1/4/21 9:07 PM, Masataka Ohta wrote:
> but harder to understand for people who lack precise
> knowledge on what computers and OSes are.

Hi, embedded developer here who spends a considerable amount of time writing 
firmware for "bare metal" systems with "no OS".

I have fairly high confidence that what Mike was referring to was "whatever 
base level software ships on the doohickey and provides the underlying 
infrastructure for the user-visible 'apps' that move media from the Internet to 
the monitor".  Mike, please correct me if I'm wrong.

In that context, it doesn't really matter what the box is running.  Could be 
Linux, could be Windows, could be QNX, could be a "while(1) scheduler" and some 
embedded IP stack.  Anything smart enough to fall under the purview of the 
discussion we're having regarding "streaming services" is going to have some 
sort of "OS-like" infrastructure that could, if desired, centrally handle these 
kinds of alerts so that every single streaming "app" doesn't have to concern 
itself with that.

I can't fathom somebody making a "media streaming device" these days without 
that kind of separation of duties internally regardless of what actually runs 
underneath the user-visible application.  It's not that you couldn't but rather 
that you wouldn't.
Brandon Martin

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