On 3/22/21 9:02 AM, Grant Taylor via NANOG wrote:
On 3/22/21 8:00 AM, Mike Hammett wrote:
most discussion in the WISP space has moved to Facebook

So ... a walled garden.

I have a severe problem with professional communities /requiring/ me to have a Facebook, et al., account to participate in community discussions.

What am I supposed to do if I don't have / can't get / want to avoid $WalledGardenInQuestion?  Am I forced to choose to break down and get an account with $WalledGardenInQuestion XOR not participate in said professional community?

What happens when $WalledGardenInQuestion changes policies or otherwise disagrees with something or is decides to ban the country where I'm at?

I think that such walled gardens are a Bad Idea™.

That's especially true since their moderation AI's are terrible and arbitrary and absolutely not up to the task. Getting put into FB jail for something outside of work affecting you at work is not OK. And since they use browser fingerprinting, etc, having two separate account while in FB jail looks like ban evasion to them and will get you site banned.


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