No absolutely not, having the traffic coming from local CDN’s and the shorter 
but higher traffic is very much preferred. My comment was just to point out 
that yes there is a significant difference on ISP traffic between delivery via 
CDN/PNI/Peering than transit as in our case transit is a long way away. Local 
backhaul is plentiful and relatively cheap where as subsea wavelengths are 
extremely expensive and require months of planning. I’m not assuming transport 
just going on real world traffic affects.


From: NANOG <> On Behalf Of Patrick W. 
Sent: Friday, 2 April 2021 11:32 am
To: North American Operators' Group <>
Subject: Re: wow, lots of akamai


Just so I am clear, you are saying “I would rather have it come over my 
undersea cables than from inside the datacenter”?


And you are assuming TCP transport.


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