Actually, that source quotes the Feist decision. The rest of the discussion 
makes it pretty clear that domain registries are not copyrightable.

“Thus, a database of unprotectable works (such as basic facts) is protected 
only as a compilation. Since the underlying data is not protected, U.S. 
copyright law does not prevent the extraction of unprotected data from an 
otherwise protectable database. In the example of a database of presidential 
quotations, it would therefore not be a violation of copyright law to extract 
(copy) a quotation from George Washington from the database. On the other hand, 
it would be violation to copy the entire database, as long as the database met 
the Feist<> originality and 
creativity requirements.”

The key problem is that no domain registry meets the originality and creativity 
requirements set forth by SCOTUS in Feist.

I am not a lawyer either, but I have a lot of initials after my name, just like 
some lawyers that post on NANOG :)

 -mel beckman, ABC, ACM, DEF, PFL, MEL, SEL, IFR, A&P, X&Y, QWERTY, ASDFG, 
NANOG,and St. Anthony’s Elementary School Diploma

On May 7, 2022, at 9:58 AM, Niels Bakker <> wrote:

* (Mel Beckman) [Sat 07 May 2022, 18:38 CEST]:
I don’t think copyright can enter into it, by dint of the fact that registry 
data, being purely factual and publicly available, cannot be copyrighted.

I'm not a lawyer nor pretend to be one on the internet but provides some nuance to that 

   -- Niels.

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