> On Jan 15, 2024, at 09:37, Abraham Y. Chen <ayc...@avinta.com> wrote:
> Hi, Christopher"
> 1)    "  IPv6 is designed to replace IPv4.  ":
>     Correct. But, this is not like Ten Commandments that God gave to his 
> children. Even such had not worked out in most cases. In real life, technical 
> backward compatibility is the only known approach to achieve graceful 
> replacement of the old. Failing to observe such discipline, one should not 
> blame others for the disappointment in the transition. I am an outsider to 
> the Internet development history. But, the overall appearance at this moment 
> is that somehow IPv6 design failed to properly execute the backward 
> compatibility requirement. So, IPv6 replacing IPv4 is not given.

This isn’t entirely true… Cassette tapes were not particularly backwards 
compatible with LPs or 8-tracks. CDs were not backwards compatible with LPs, 
Casettes, or 8-tracks. iPods/etc. were not backwards compatible with any of the 

USB-C is not backwards compatible with Lightning is not backwards compatible 
with Dock.

What I think has been shown is that the new needs to provide something 
compelling to the user being forced to migrate in order to motivate them to 
suffer the cost and inconvenience. Unfortunately, between NAT and Microsoft, 
instead of demand for an end-to-end network solution, we have consumers that 
have come to accept, nay expect the degraded level of service that is Windows 
and the Natternet that we have today. Application developers have all coded to 
this lowest possible state of network capability, and even written code which 
breaks absent NAT in some cases (I’m pointing at you Philips Hue).

For a little while, there was a bunch of free porn available on IPv6-only that 
some hoped would drive IPv6 adoption. Unfortunately, all it really drove was a 
large number of IPv4-only free porn sites.

Other apps that were supposed to be v6-only and thus drive adoption included 
IPSEC (rapidly back ported as a terrible hack on v4, not only reducing the 
incentive to migrate to v6, but giving IPSEC a horrible reputation for 
complexity and dysfunction in the process because of how hacky the v4 
implementation has to be) and DHCP-PD (which remains IPv6-only, but failure to 
put forth standard mechanisms for the DHCP server to communicate the necessary 
delegation data to the router that need to forward the delegated prefixes 
reduced the utility of that particular solution so far).

> 2)    Allow me to share with you an almost parallel event in the PSTN, to 
> illustrate how tough is to achieve the replacement of a working service, even 
> under an environment with very strict backward compatibility disicpline:
>     A.    The Decadic (rotary) Dialing (DD) technique worked well on the 
> telephone loop to a certain limit of distance for many years that enabled the 
> automatic telephone switching systems. But, it could not go beyond the CO 
> (Central Office). 
>     B.    So, Bell Labs studied the use of DTMF (Dual Tone Multi-Frequency) 
> or commonly known as Touch-Tone as trademarked in US, etc. The work started 
> in mid 1940s. 
>     c.    By late 1960s, working demos became available. During the 
> mid-1970s, it was deployed across the Bell System (and beyond upon requests 
> from other countries). 
>     D.    With end-to-end signally capability of the DTMF signalling, a lot 
> of services such as remote purchase, airline status checking , etc., grew 
> drastically.
>     E.    However, DTMF was a complete technology from Decadic Dialing and 
> most phones in the field were still the latter type. COs had to install dual 
> function line cards on the loop that subscriber liked to enjoy the DTMF 
> capability. Obviously, the dual function line cards costed more than that of 
> the basic DD version.
>     F.    Initially, AT&T offered the DTMF service for free (well, covered by 
> the rental of the new phone) to encourage that adoption. Then, they raised 
> the monthly service rate for lines still requiring DD receiver hoping to 
> gracefully forcing the subscribes to wean from using DD phones. 

Actually, I recall that if you wanted DTMF capability on your line, you had to 
pay extra for a time, then when they decided to deprecate DD, they dropped that 
surcharge. I don’t remember ever having to pay extra for DD, but I do remember 
getting notices telling me that they were turning off “pulse dialing” as of 
some particular date.

This led to amusing solutions like phones you could buy at Radio Shack and 
similar with an easily accessible switch that allowed you to call whatever 
service you wanted using pulse dialing, then flip the switch and use DTMF to 
talk to said service.
>     G.    Guess what, the inertia of the huge DD phones out there in the 
> field accumulated through near one century made the strategy impossible. That 
> is, many subscribers would rather to pay one extra dollar or so a month to 
> enjoy having the old DD phone around, either to avoid paying a new DTMF phone 
> or just for the antique look of the DD phone. This also created a nightmare 
> of three types (DD, DTMF and combined) line cards in the CO.
>     H.    As this went on, a version of phone with DTMF dial pad but sending 
> out DD pulses appeared on the open market (thanks to the deregulation / break 
> up the Bell System). Such novelty phones really gave phone companies a hard 
> time about the transition plan. 
The Carterfone decision was one of the best things to ever happen to the 
telephone system in the united states. The courts do occasionally get something 

>     I.    In the meantime, IC technology advanced to have single chip capable 
> of both dialing techniques (even further integrated other traditional line 
> card functions onto the same chip) making the transition plan moot.
>     J    Nowadays, almost every line card type chip handles DTMF as 
> advertised. But, if you try a DD phone on it, chances are, it works anyway!
>     K. You may see some parallelism between the above and the current IPv4 / 
> IPv6 transition issues.

Some, but not a lot. In the case of the DTMF transition, the network and 
handsets were all under the central control of a single provider at a time when 
they could have forced the change if they really wanted to. After all, nobody 
was going to cancel their phone service altogether (or such a small fraction of 
subscribers as to count as a rounding error anyway) over the issue and AT&T 
could simply have shipped replacement phones with instructions for returning 
the older phone and done a retrofit operation if they really wanted to drive 
the transition.

For better (mostly) and worse (sometimes), there is no such central 
organization in control of the internet. Instead, there are multiple competing 
interest groups with various incentives in different directions around whether 
or not to adopt IPv6.

Enterprise is mostly disincentivized because most enterprises don’t really want 
an end-to-end internet and prefer the degraded state of their users that exists 
at this time. While that same degraded service can be provided in IPv6, if you 
don’t want the advantages of IPv6 and an end-to-end network, there’s really 
little advantage and a lot of cost to implementing it in an enterprise 
scenario. Google’s dug in stance on DHCPv6 on Android is definitely not helping 
that situation.

Content providers mostly don’t care, though the larger ones recognize the 
necessity and the most advanced ones have actually implemented v6-only networks 
with v4 translators at the edge where necessary.

CDNs are providing a great service and mostly dual-stacking the consumer-facing 
side of their services while offering to reach origin content via either 
protocol, thus allowing content providers to operate mono stack in either 
protocol while reaching customers over both protocols.

Eyeball ISPs vary, with the largest ones being very motivated to get their 
customers dependence on v4 reduced as much as possible.

Universities are a mixed bag, some pushing forward ahead of the game and many 
thinking “We’ve got enough IPv4 addresses for our needs for the next 200 years, 
what do we need with this v6 stuff?”

Backbone providers are mostly dual-stack and mostly don’t care. Running 2 
stacks isn’t significantly worse than running 1 stack for most of them.

Mobile operators (cellular) are in the same boat with the larger eyeball ISPs.

Consumers mostly don’t want to know that IP, whether v4 or v6 exists, they just 
want their MTyouTickBookTwit. If the porn and the cat videos keep working, they 
don’t care what protocol it’s delivered over.

I’m sure there are constituencies I’ve left out here, but I think this covers 
most cases.


> Regards,
> Abe (2024-01-15 12:37)
> On 2024-01-15 00:15, Christopher Hawker wrote:
>> To my knowledge IPv6 is designed to replace IPv4. Anyone, feel free to 
>> correct me if I'm wrong. There are just short of 4.3 billion IPv4 addresses, 
>> where the number of IPv6 addresses is 39 digits long.
>> Regards,
>> Christopher Hawker
>> On Mon, 15 Jan 2024 at 15:18, Abraham Y. Chen <ayc...@avinta.com 
>> <mailto:ayc...@avinta.com>> wrote:
>>> Hi, Randy:
>>> 1)   " ...  unfortunately i already had grey hair in the '90s and was in 
>>> the room for all this,  ...  ":
>>>     My apologies! For an uninitiated, I misread your message as if IPv6 was 
>>> originally designed with a plan to assure smooth transition from IPv4.
>>> Regards,
>>> Abe (2024-01-14 23:17)
>>> On 2024-01-12 17:45, Randy Bush wrote:
>>>>> Perhaps you are too young to realize that the original IPv6 plan was
>>>>> not designed to be backward compatible to IPv4, and Dual-Stack was
>>>>> developed (through some iterations) to bridge the transition between
>>>>> IPv4 and IPv6? You may want to spend a few moments to read some
>>>>> history on this.
>>>> ROFL!!!  if there is anything you can do to make me that young, you
>>>> could have a very lucrative career outside of the internet.
>>>> hint: unfortunately i already had grey hair in the '90s and was in the
>>>> room for all this, and spent a few decades managing to get some of the
>>>> worst stupidities (TLA, NLA, ...) pulled out of the spec.  at iij, we
>>>> rolled ipv6 on the backbone in 1997.
>>>> randy
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