On Thu, 19 Nov 2009, John Adams wrote:

I'm a big fan of 1password, but I'm on mac and iPhone.

 I'll second that.  1Password truly is fabulous, though it's strength is
 the Auto-website login feature with a hotkey.  When in your browser,
 Command+Option+\, type some characters of the site or description, hit
 enter, and it opens your default browser, goes to the site and logs you
 in.  Integrates on all browsers: Safari, Firefox, Opera and others.

 Supports secure notes, has a well designed strong password generator, can
 be synced over the network to multiple other computers via Dropbox (or
 whatever you want to use, rsync works too), and has great integration with
 the iPhone as well as a browser-based client for use on non-Mac computers.

 If you are not using a Mac, or are using a mixed bag of operating systems,
 1Password is probably not best.

Peter Beckman                                                  Internet Guy
beck...@angryox.com                                 http://www.angryox.com/

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