>> it seems to me that we'll have widespread ipv4 for +10 years at least,
> How many 10 year old pieces of kit do you have on your network?
> Ten years ago we were routing appletalk and IPX.  Still doing that now?

Ten years ago I was still telling a few customers that Novell Netware had
supported TCP/IP since the early 90s and it was really time to shut off IPX,
and the Appletalk users were at least running over IP, not LocalTalk,
so I didn't have to care much, and the Windows people were probably
already arguing about Active Directory and LDAP and whether to do DNS,
DLSW was Not Dead Yet, and 1/3 of my X.25 customers acknowledged
that it was way obsolete and time to join the 1990s (the other two were
state governments who viewed it as Somebody Else's Emulation Problem.)

The last time I was dealing with high-end Layer 1 access problems was
a couple of years ago, but in addition to normal IPv4 and MPLS,
I had customers running Fiber Channel and other SAN protocols on the WAN.

There'll be enough IPv4 to keep antiques dealers in business for a while yet.

             Thanks;     Bill

Note that this isn't my regular email account - It's still experimental so far.
And Google probably logs and indexes everything you send it.

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