Dan White wrote:
> On 31/03/10 22:14 -0300, jim deleskie wrote:
>> I'm a real life user, I know the difference and I could careless about
>> v6.  most anything I want I is on v4 and will still be there long
>> after ( when ever it is) we run out of v4 addresses.  If I'm on a
> From a content perspective, you may be right. Those with a quickly
> dwindling supply of v4 addresses will most likely use what they have left
> for business customers, and for content.
> However, there will be a time when a significant number of
> customers will not be able to access your content.

^^ Uncertainty .

> What percentage of sales are you willing to eat?

^^ Fear .

>> will see the business need, but while I'm expect to have to deploy it
>> for marketing reasons, I hope its someone else's problem but its a
>> must have for real business.
> Are you willing to gamble your business on your expectations? Business
> models will develop that will take advantage of global addressing to end
> devices. The Next Big (Nth) Thing will. Do you feel that you have a perfect
> Crystal Ball, or do you want to start hedging your bets now?

^^ Doubt.


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